Leader­ship and person­nel deve­lo­p­ment

Deve­lop compe­ten­cies and perso­na­li­ties

Leader­ship and person­nel deve­lo­p­ment affects ever­yone. Whether you’re a boss, a team member or a project mana­ger, most jobs require manage­ment and leader­ship skills as well as specia­list know­ledge.

Are you working on your self-manage­ment, want to commu­ni­cate clearly and orga­nize work content effec­tively?

Successful specia­lists and leaders draw on a proven reper­toire of concrete ways of thin­king (our own model combi­nes proven and inno­va­tive approa­ches) and working tech­ni­ques. The good news: you can learn a whole lot with us!

“I was inspi­red by the strengths-based leader­ship approach. I was encou­ra­ged to use my poten­tial even more and recei­ved orien­ta­tion to fill the leader­ship role with heart and mind, espe­ci­ally in complex change proces­ses. Thank you very much for your trust­wor­thy guidance during my entry as a mana­ger. I lear­ned a lot!”

Nabiela Farouq
Project mana­ger for the Gesell­schaft für Inter­na­tio­nale Zusam­men­ar­beit (GIZ), parti­ci­pant in leader­ship deve­lo­p­ment

Would you like to take a stron­ger lead?

We are at your dispo­sal for a non-binding, infor­ma­tive chat!