Coaching & super­vi­sion

Coaching, super­vi­sion and colle­gial coun­seling are formats we use to help you get your bearings and stay on course.

Because as a leader, you have to make decis­i­ons and deal with change appro­pria­tely every day. It is not always easy to act in a level-headed and focu­sed manner and to remain true to ones­elf.

Meet some of our coaches

Coaching: One-to-one conver­sa­tion in a protec­ted setting indi­vi­du­ally tail­o­red to your needs. You deve­lop new opti­ons for action, gain clarity and streng­then your role – always in harm­ony with yours­elf. Deve­lop new opti­ons for action and gain clarity in decis­ion-making proces­ses.

Colle­gial consul­ting: Here you make use of the know­ledge, expe­ri­ence and feed­back from a small circle of like-minded people. With our support, you will learn the art of colle­gial consul­ting in small groups and bene­fit from the wealth of expe­ri­ence and know­ledge of profes­sio­nal spar­ring part­ners. After a detailed intro­duc­tion and with some prac­tice, the colle­gial advi­sory groups conti­nue their work on their own (more on this in this blog post by Lucia Stall and down­load as a denk­zet­tel, both in German ).

Super­vi­sion: coun­seling for coun­se­lors. In a confi­den­tial, one-on-one setting, we provide prac­ti­cal help for profes­sio­nal self-direc­tion, an expan­ded reper­toire of methods, and conscious hand­ling of perso­nal chal­lenges in one’s own consul­ting work.

Are you looking for spar­ring part­ners?

We are at your dispo­sal for a non-binding, infor­ma­tive chat!